God, Healing, and Your Nerve System

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God created you to be healthy, vibrant and 100% alive. He did not create you to be sick, to suffer or to have disease of any kind; not arthritis, not heart disease, not cancer. Disease is not normal. Disease is common, but it is not normal. Health is normal. A vibrant, active, healthy life is normal.

Your body was created to heal itself and to maintain health from within you. Sometimes your ability to heal gets blocked or interrupted. This may sound crazy, yet it does not matter what health problem you may be facing, whether it is high blood pressure, heart disease, or cancer; headaches, menstrual cramps, or PMS; arthritis, constipation, or sleeplessness, or anything else (the list could fill this entire newspaper) YOU HAVE A GOD-GIVEN POTENTIAL TO LIVE A HEALTHY LIFE. The key to releasing your potential is in your spinal cord.

The explanation of how you were created to function, how disease accumulates and how to release your ability to heal yourself, would take up too much space. Plus I am certain that you will have questions. Questions which I can answer better, honestly, face to face.

Why continue to live at less than 100%?

Why continue to need medication which may only mask the condition while possibly causing other health problems?

Don’t decide based on hear-say. Come find out for yourself. Call my office today. Tell my staff you want to sit in on our “Doctor’s Report”. Afterwards, if you choose to, we will run two high tech electronic scans of your spinal system at no cost to you. I’ll explain what they mean. Then you can decide if you want to get on the road to a better, more naturally healthy life. Call today 973-835-5773.

Stewart Family Chiropractic is located at 43 Newark-Pompton Turnpike in Riverdale across from the school. Dr. Stewart has been helping families live healthier lives for over 25 years.

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