Headaches, Neck Pain, Bronchitis

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I joined the Stewart Family Chiropractic Group approximately four years ago.  At the time, I was new to the area and was again suffering with neck pain, limited range of motion and headaches.

“I needed a Chiropractor.”

Dr. Gary said my problems were treatable and with time and a commitment to get adjustments on a regular basis I would be able to overcome them.  Well, that’s exactly what I did.  Because of his adjustments, his commitment and dedications (given to all patients) and my stubbornness not to let this problem with my neck get the better of me, we worked together and now I have a range of motion in my neck that at times surprises even me.  Also, I very seldom have a headache.

Recently while I was receiving an adjustment, I heard another patient cough.  I thought to myself, “Gee, I didn’t get bronchitis this year,  and come to think of it, last year too.”  Prior to my regular chiropractic visits, it was a sure bet that I would get bronchitis at least once each and every year.  That’s an added bonus for me and who knows how many other bonuses I have received without realizing it.

“God Bless and Thank You Dr. Gary”

“My Power is On”


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