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I am 28 years old. Around 6 years ago I started experiencing heartburn, daily. After a year or so of suffering, I finally went to a doctor who prescribed medication to be taken daily, indefinitely. After another year or so of thinking I’d be taking these pills for the rest of my life, I decided to not settle and get another opinion. My new doctor ran a CT Scan and did a Gastroscopy…after drinking their yummy solution for the scan and having a camera pushed down my throat, I thought to myself, “This is it!”…. Wrong!!!  None of the results showed an ulcer, or any other apparent problems. I was told to keep taking the pills and I would be fine.

4 years went by and was religiously taking these pills every day. God forbid I forgot one… my day was ruined. Many times I’ve left a gathering, cut the night short, or didn’t make plans all together because I was in pain.

Then, by miracle, about 6 weeks ago, I snapped my neck in my sleep! I couldn’t move and was in a lot of pain. I say it’s a miracle because that was the first day that I went to Stewart Family Chiropractic. I have to admit, being in pain and sitting through the videos and information sessions was tough, even though it really didn’t take a lot of time. I just wanted someone to fix me!! Upon realizing there was more to it than just a couple quick visits to the “chiro”…I didn’t care, I needed relief. I agreed to the course of treatment that Dr. Gary was suggesting A) because I really was in pain and would do anything for relief and B) because the information I had received just made sense!

Dr. Gary proceeded to tell me that, he couldn’t make any promises, but there was a good chance my heartburn would fix itself. “HA! WHAT???” I thought… “how could that be”?? To test the theory, I stopped my daily medication immediately. I figured if this was really going to help, I will test it’s true colors for myself. Well, here I am 6 weeks into regular adjustments. I haven’t taken any medication in 6 weeks!!! The heartburn tried to creep back in on a few occasions, but I can now say I am a believer! My heartburn is gone!!! I will be forever grateful to Dr. Gary and his team. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! And see you next week! 🙂

Michelle P.

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