Scroll through our galleries to see adjustments and our office.
Infants receiving their first adjustments as close to birth as possible.
Amelia at 4 days old, 1st adjustment
Amelia at 4 days old, 1st adjustment
Clara at 20 days old, 1st adjustment
Clara at 20 days old, 1st adjustment
Patrick at 3 days old.1st adjustment
Reagan Marie at 40 hours old
Reagan Marie at 40 hours old
Robert at 3 days old
Robert at 3 days old
David at 1 week old
Johnathan at 2 days old
Johnathan at 2 1/2 months old
Emilio at 4 days old
Emilio at 4 days old
Briana and Brooke at 22 days old
Briana and Brooke at 22 days old
Cortland at 28 days old
Cortland at 28 days old
Each year, the kids who come in help decorate our Christmas Tree by making ornaments. We have some very artistic kids here.
Creating ornaments and decorating our Christmas Tree – 2018.